
To Sign up to click the profile icon on the right most side of he screen

When the login/register screen comes up, click on ‘Register’. 

Fill out the neccessary details and choose your account type and click ‘Register’. And login with your details.

Please Note: choose a strong password for your own safety.

To create a property listing, click the ‘Create Listing’ button

If you haven’t registered or logged in the following screen will appear

Login if you have an account and register if you haven’t.
Once you’re in, you’ll be redirected to this page if you have a package.

After filling the necessary information, click ‘Submit Property’ or click ‘Save as Draft’ if you are not ready to make the property public yet.

To add a listing on you need a subscription package.

After choosing the package that best suites you, click ‘Get Started’ button you will be redirected to the checkout page.

After filling the necessary information, click ‘Proceed to Chapa’ button to pay using your telebirr, CBE Birr, ATM, Bank account, Mobile money, PayPal ,Debit and Credit card

After clicking ‘Proceed to Chapa’ you will be redirected to the chapa page. Choose your preferred way of payment and pay. Upon paying you will be redirected to the checkout page with 

Upon paying, a confirmation screen will appear, with order confirmation email.

Sign Up

To Sign up to click the profile icon on the right most side of he screen

When the login/register screen comes up, click on ‘Register’. 

Fill out the neccessary details and choose your account type and click ‘Register’. And login with your details.

Please Note: choose a strong password for your own safety.

Create Listings

To create a property listing, click the ‘Create Listing’ button

If you haven’t registered or logged in the following screen will appear

Login if you have an account and register if you haven’t.
Once you’re in, you’ll be redirected to this page if you have a package.

After filling the necessary information, click ‘Submit Property’ or click ‘Save as Draft’ if you are not ready to make the property public yet.

Subscribing to a Package

To add a listing on you need a subscription package.

After choosing the package that best suites you, click ‘Get Started’ button you will be redirected to the checkout page.

After filling the necessary information, click ‘Proceed to Chapa’ button to pay using your telebirr, CBE Birr, ATM, Bank account, Mobile money, PayPal ,Debit and Credit card

After clicking ‘Proceed to Chapa’ you will be redirected to the chapa page. Choose your preferred way of payment and pay. Upon paying you will be redirected to the checkout page with 

Upon paying, a confirmation screen will appear, with order confirmation email.

© All Rights Reserved Fortune Real State

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